Switching to hypochlorous acid? Here's how to adapt your cleaning protocols

We get it, changing your cleaning protocols sounds like a headache. If you're a hospital administrator or healthcare worker, you already have enough work to focus on. Adopting a new method can feel overwhelming, but with hypochlorous, it is actually easy. Hypochlorous acid generation is about as simple as it gets and will easily fit into your current cleaning routines.
To help make that transition even easier, Hypo Source has compiled a set of cleaning protocols for clinical settings, with general guidelines you can use to determine what changes you'll make in your own routine. If you're looking for personalized recommendations, click here to contact us directly!
Hypochlorous can be used to replace almost any application where Jik or bleach is used except in washing of clothes (it won't whiten/"bleach" clothes, but it will clean them). For example, you can use hypochlorous to clean floors and surfaces. To increase efficacy of the disinfectant, first clean the area with soap and water. Then fog, spray or mop on hypochlorous at 500 ppm and leave to dry. This same protocol can be used for cleaning operating theaters. We recommend doing a pure water clean after 10 cleanings to remove any sodium traces from surfaces or equipment.
If you are preparing instruments for sterilization in an autoclave, use 200 ppm hypochlorous to wash the instruments before wrapping. We also recommend a 2- minute soak time to increase the Log reduction of bacterial pathogens.
Hypochlorous makes a great replacement for topical skin and wound treatments. It can be prescribed to treat infections of the eyes, mouth or skin, or as a wound dressing and post-operative care solution. In most situations <200 ppm should be used. Apply via spray, topical dressing or soak every 3-5 hours until relief is achieved.
Hypochlorous can also replace quaternary compounds and alcohol where allowed by regulation. However, unlike other cleaning products you do not need to dilute the hypochlorous produced from the Hypo. Produce a batch in the machine at the desired strength and use accordingly.
If you were already using bleach as your disinfectant of choice, switching it out for hypochlorous is very simple. If you’re using a 0.5% bleach solution (about 5,000 ppm FAC), 500 ppm hypochlorous acid would be a suitable replacement. At this rate, you’re getting 10% less chlorine and a disinfectant that’s been proven to be up to 80 times more effective at eradicating E. coli bacteria. We’ve created a sample chart below that shows appropriate hypochlorous acid replacements for standard bleach amounts. As you can see, the amount of hypochlorous acid you’d need is always far less.
If you're using bleach... | Switch to hypochlorous acid! |
0.5% sodium hypochlorite (5,000 ppm) | 500 ppm hypochlorous acid |
0.05% sodium hypochlorite (500 ppm) | 200 ppm hypochlorous acid |
Photo by Oliver Hale on Unsplash
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